Legal representation challenges arise in the high-profile corruption case against former mayor Zandile Gumede and 21 others, as they struggle to pay legal fees. ...
Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife has been ordered by the Pietermaritzburg High Court to cover legal costs in a contentious tender dispute with Nombela Investments, raising ...
Family members of Nomfundo Sibisi express hope for justice as the trial of her alleged murderer, Sphamandla Siyalo Khumalo, unfolds in the Durban High Court.
Days after the assassination of ANC politician Siduduzo Magwaza, a close friend allegedly requested control over his tender projects, raising questions about motives ...
The defence in Zandile Gumede's trial is set to challenge the appointment of a forensic company, claiming it was unlawful, as the case continues in the Durban High ...
The murder trial of Nomfundo Sibisi unfolds in Durban High Court, revealing harrowing details as family members react to shocking video evidence.
Court heard how one of the killers of an ANC member had relcoated to the Verulam area, on a mission to kill politicians.
State witnesses provide crucial testimony in the murder trial of ANC member Siduduzo Magwaza, identifying the alleged killers and detailing the events surrounding ...
“One of the accused told the court he is having financial constraints, but it is a problem that we are all facing. Mine is worse because the other portion of my ...
Zandile Gumede, the former mayor of eThekwini Municipality, revealed her financial struggles in court, saying she uses her pension to cover legal fees in the high-profile ...
The Durban Magistrate’s Court is set to deliver a ruling on the bail application of two men accused of the attempted murder of SARS advocate Coreth Naude, who was ...
A 31-year-old man faces trial for the double murder of two friends in Durban, with former State prosecutor Bheki Manyathi as his defence counsel.
During a recent Durban High Court trial, a State witness disclosed the alleged sale of RDP houses in Cato Crest, linking the corruption to the murder of ANC candidate ...
Unfolding in the Durban High Court, the shocking details of an assassination plot against an ANC loyalist reveal a tangled web of political ambition and betrayal, ...
State prosecutor Zukisa Dyas said Rory Goldin and his associates were involved in a coordinated and deliberate scheme designed to illicitly sell and distribute ...
A Durban businessman has been released on bail on serious drug dealing allegations.
Durban metro police officer Sizwe Ngema has been sentenced to 20 years for the murder of his pregnant girlfriend, revealing a history of abuse and emotional turmoil. ...
The investigating officer told the court that the witnesses said the area that they lived in was not safe and that they could be harmed at any time.
Two eyewitnesses in the trial of five men accused of murdering ANC members in Cato Crest will testify in camera due to safety concerns
A State witness reveals chilling threats made by an ANC member before the murders of Siyabonga Mkhize and Mzukisi Nyanga in Durban, shedding light on the political ...
The trial of four men accused of kidnapping an 11-year-old boy for ransom is set to commence in July, following delays due to legal representation changes.
Twelve men from the Bhambayi community in iNanda have been granted bail after allegedly killing five men accused of various crimes, raising concerns over community ...
The two suspects in AKA and Tibz murder are also charged with a murder of a taxi boss and kidnapping.
Mlungisi Brian Khumalo has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for defrauding the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Agriculture out of nearly R1. 5 million through fraudulent ...
Five men are set to appear in the Durban High Court in May, charged with the murders of South African rapper Kiernan 'AKA' Forbes and his friend Chef Tebello 'Tibz' ...