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CITY residents have been dealt another blow in the ongoing saga regarding the lack of service delivery from the Sol Plaatje Municipality after the local authority confirmed that there were no refuse trucks available … because the licence discs had expired.
The latest blow comes after a week-long strike by municipal employees resulting in the non-collection of refuse for up to three weeks already in some areas.
Municipal spokesperson, Thoko Riet, confirmed on Tuesday that the licence discs on the municipal refuse trucks had expired.
“Before we can apply for new licences, we have to take the trucks in for a certificate of fitness,” she said.
According to Riet, the refuse collection trucks were currently at the municipal workshops for assessment.
“We will know what the situation is and how long the process will take once the assessments have been completed,” she stated.
Irate city residents have threatened to stop paying for rates and services, which many state are non-existent.
“The uncollected bags are creating a health hazard,” one resident said. “For three weeks already we have had to keep our bags inside our yards and with the current heatwave, they are attracting flies. We already have maggots crawling around everywhere.”
“Meanwhile some people didn’t take their rubbish bags inside and those have now been broken open and the rubbish strewn all over the street.
“It is time that the Sol Plaatje Municipality provides the service for which residents pay and which it relies on to pay its employees. If the municipality cannot do its work, it should be dissolved by a court of law, like the Makhana Municipality in Grahamstown. The Makhanda High Court ordered the Makana Municipality to be dissolved and placed under administration for violating its constitutional mandate by failing to provide basic services to the community. The situation in Kimberely is no different - despite the constant speeches by the Executive Mayor, Patrick Mabilo, that service delivery will be prioritised.