Hotel Sky Cape Town’s venue Sky on Long launched its dinner and theatre experience “Naughtily Ever After” – the classic fairytale of Cinderella with an adult twist.
The show takes place Thursdays and Fridays at Sky, where guests will be treated to a light dinner, before a narrator tells a comedic, twisted version of events of the night at the ball.
Tickets cost R585 through Quicket. Doors open at 6.30pm. No under 18’s allowed.
Tessa Denton was the narrator of the story with a twist.Performer Schoeman Smit Jasmine Minter as one of the “little piggies”. Nicola DuPlessis from the city centre and Candice Manuel, previously from Mitchell’s Plain but who now lives in Panarama.Guests dressed up for the launch. Pictured are Zolela Maholwana from Parklands and Holly McEtywa from Constantia.Langa Parks from Parklands with Real Housewives of Cape Town’s Camilla McDowell from Constantia.