Junior city councillor Caitlan-Jane Lewis hopes to raise awareness about cancer through her Pink Chair Project.
Junior city councillor Caitlan-Jane Lewis hopes to raise awareness about cancer through her Pink Chair Project.
Caitlan, 16, from Lansdowne, became a junior councillor in March. As part of the City’s Junior City Council programme, each junior councillor must run a project that makes a difference in their community or school.
Caitlan’s project about breast cancer awareness and post-cancer rehabilitation is a tribute to her mother, Chanelle Arnold, a cancer survivor.
The Pink Chair Project aims to raise awareness about breast cancer and its impact, support those affected by the disease and inspire others to join the fight against cancer.
Caitlan will interview breast cancer survivors at Lansdowne civic centre about their experiences and share those stories across social media as a tribute to her mother. She will then focus on creating workshops on how to navigate life after cancer.
Caitlan said the project was also a call to action for those diagnosed with cancer and a way to raise awareness about life after cancer.
“I want to honour my mom, a breast cancer warrior and the bravest woman I know. Many survivors lack the necessary support as everyone assumes that once the cancer is gone, the war has been won.”
If you’d like to be a keynote speaker at one of Caitlan’s workshops, contact her at 065 285 6084.