Dunoon’s Black Management Forum branch will be holding workshops promoting female leadership and professional growth during the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children Campaign, says the organisation’s member, Sinako Nyombolo. Picture: Supplied
Dunoon’s Black Management Forum branch will hold two workshops promoting female leadership and professional growth in recognition of the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children Campaign.
“We will provide them with practical tools and mentorship to advance their careers and economic wellbeing,” said Dunoon BMF women empowerment director Sinako Nyombolo.
The first event will be held at the Blouberg Community Hall on Saturday November 30, from noon to 3pm. It is aimed at all women professionals, entrepreneurs, and those seeking career advancement.
The second event, to be held at Northlink College in Goodwood, from Saturday November 30 to Tuesday December 10, from 6pm to 9pm, is aimed at students, young women entrepreneurs, and aspiring professionals.
“The BMF invites all women and allies of gender equality to attend these transformative events. Together, we can create a world where women’s financial independence and economic empowerment are the norm. Join us as we work towards a more equal future, one where women are equipped to lead in business, finance, and beyond,” said Ms Nyombolo.
The 16 Days campaign, a global annual event, runs from Monday, November 25 (International Day Against Violence Against Women) to Tuesday December 10 (International Human Rights Day).
The BMF’s website, says the forum is a non-political, non-racial, and non-sexist organisation focusing on the development of managerial leadership and the creation of managerial structures that are reflective of the demographics and values of the broader South African society.
Email Ms Nyombolo at sinakonyombolo@outlook.com for more information.
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