Join the Kirstenhof Primary School community in their annual fun run this Saturday.
Image: supplied
Kirstenhof Primary School will host their annual fun run on Saturday March 15.
Last year's event drew over 1000 participants with pupils, their families and the wider community joining in the celebration of fitness, fun and togetherness ("Kirstenhof Primary piles on the fun," Bulletin, March 14, 2024).
The event, sponsored by local businesses, kicks off with a 3km fun run followed by games, entertainment, food stalls, and over 40 community-based crafters, from established vendors to young entrepreneurs.
The day also provides a platform for local charities and organisations to engage with the community and has community stands present which include Volunteer Wildfire Services, National Sea Rescue Institute, City of Cape Town, Tokai library, Western Cape Blood Service, South African Bone Marrow Registry, Vitanova, The IV Bar Westlake, Vision Works Blue Route, Barefoot Rescue, The Chaeli Campaign, Free to Fly, Thula Baba Project, Kirstenhof Crime Watch, Tokai and Kirstenhof Neighbourhood Watch, KERA and AID 4 Animals in Distress.
“A sense of belonging is key to raising individuals who contribute positively to society,” says principal Stuart Payne. “At Kirstenhof Primary, we nurture community and inclusion through annual events built on parent and child involvement. When children feel they belong, they know they are valued. We embrace the South African spirit of Ubuntu and take pride in our school and nation.”
The fun run starts at 8.30am, with prize-giving at 9.15am, and festivities running until 2pm. Fun run tickets cost R30 each, and a coupon system will be used for rides, games, and food.
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