The women who attended Spread the Curls, an eventcelebrating natural, curly hair.
More than 20 women rocked up at a Foreshore cocktail bar on Saturday morning to celebrate their natural, curly hair.
Melissa Mandes, from Parow, organised the Spread the Curls event to encourage women to embrace their natural locks.
Women can also share pictures of their curly hair on Ms Mandes’s, Spread the Curls Instagram account.
Those at the event came from Bergvliet, Athlone, Manenberg, Bellville, Kraaifontein, Muizenberg, Mitchell’s Plain, Wetton, Blue Downs, Eerste River and even Saldanha. Jordin Takka, from Mitchell’s Plain, said she felt the event was empowering.
“It feels so uplifting to be around people with similar hair who don’t tell us to change our hair.”
Ms Mandes hopes to include men in future events.