a young girl holding textbooks.
Have you ever felt a sense of relief and joy having completed an important task in the nick of time or just completing a task ahead of its deadline – well that’s how early registration for university feels like, especially with how the last two years have turned out.
Choosing to register ahead of the deadline dates will effectively eliminate one task from your list when preparing for the new academic year, and if you are registering for the very first time – it’s an even better feeling.
Here are reasons why you should register early for your tertiary studies.
Reduce the registration blues
“Procrastination is the thief of time” – you must have heard this phrase before.
Procrastination is intentionally delaying or putting off doing something till a later time, and with our busy lifestyles, putting off registration till a later time can be possible.
Imagine leaving your registration till the very last day and Eskom regretfully announces load shedding stage 5 while you are processing your details – and to make things worse, the return electricity is delayed due to a blown up transformer.
You may read this thinking “nah, it won’t happen to me” – but don’t be fooled; rather be early than sorry.
READ | Our Early Registration digital magazine
Beat the long queues and disappointment
One of the many great things about technology is that it makes life easier and standing in long lines is a thing of the past.
Most universities and colleges have now made online registration a primary focus, reducing physical registration during the pandemic.
This makes registration much easier and quicker, and if you have any concerns or queries you have enough time to get assistance from the faculty.
A head start on your academic schedule
Once you register, your faculty will hand you the academic timetable, course details and lecture times and venues.
This helps you plan your daily schedule, transportation arrangements and leisure activities around your studies.
You won’t have to worry about deadlines
Deadlines can be daunting when you have run out of time and are nearing the last day of registration.
However, if you register ahead of the cut-off dates you have a good chance of not having to stress about missed deadlines or the long process of registration.