IOL Two people allegedly involved in a drug manufacturing operation in Chatsworth were arrested.
Image: Picture: eThekwini Municipality
Two people were arrested in Chatsworth after police pounced on a drug manufacturing operation on Valentine's Day.
The eThekwini Municipality said a joint operation by Durban Metro and the Directorate for Priority Crimes Investigation (known as the Hawks) uncovered a "kitchen lab" where drugs such as mandrax and crack cocaine were seized.
The City said that officers received information that a large quantity of drugs was being transported.
"A subsequent search of the vehicle resulted in the discovery of 1,000 mandrax tablets concealed in a black packet on the passenger seat.
"The suspect was arrested and the vehicle seized as it was used in the commission of an offense."
The City said further investigations led officers to the suspect’s residence where a "kitchen lab" was discovered.
"A second suspect was found inside, manufacturing crack cocaine."
Drugs including Mandrax tablets, crack cocaine, and miracle powder as well as drug paraphernalia such as smoking pipes, scales, and glass bowls were seized.
The total estimated value of the confiscated drugs and equipment was R156,850.
The City said Durban Metro Police remained committed to tackling drug-related crimes and ensuring the safety of communities.
"The City commends the officers involved in the operation for their dedication and professionalism which has resulted in fewer drugs on the streets. The public is urged to report suspicious drug-related activities to law enforcement authorities."
IOL News
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