Grade 6 pupils Gabriel Kabeya, left, and Angelica Gympies having their last geography lesson with teacher Jennifer Rice.
Westcott Primary School’s principal, John Robertson, and head of department, Jennifer Rice, retire at the end of the year.
Mr Robertson has been at the Diep River school for 18 years and Mr Rice for 41 years.
Ms Rice’s time at Westcott spanned three principals – Andy Henderson, Godfried Olivier and Mr Robertson. Ms Rice was head of department of the intermediate and senior phases, a position she held for many years. She was also a class teacher.
She served on the management team, governing body, sports committee and the fund-raising committee and co-ordinated various school functions.
The school said Mr Robertson had made a point of learning the names of every pupil and every parent.
Mr Robertson was responsible for the extension of the after-care building, improvements to the Grade R and Grade 1 playgrounds, extension to the music department and a general school makeover, with the help of the Department of Public Works.