Honeybun Foundation’s Kayleigh Langman and Audrey Mundey with Zumba instructor Elaine McLaren, far right.
A Zumba fund-raiser for the Honeybun Foundation, a Plumstead non-profit, raised R12 350, at Westcott Primary School, on Saturday.
About 50 people worked up a sweat in the 90-minute class held by Zumba instructor Elaine McLaren and other instructors.
Ms McLaren was following Honeybun Foundation on social media and had donated baby goods that her children had outgrown. Seeing posts asking for cot mattresses, she donated two and was inspired to do more so she organised the Zumba class.
She asked participants to bring tinned food, toothbrushes, toothpaste and other toiletries for the organisation.
Ms McLaren handed over the funds and donated items to Audrey Mundey and Kayleigh Langman from Honeybun. They thanked her for her efforts and said they appreciated everyone’s generosity.