Mason and Cruz Hendry were dominant in the recent BMX WP Champs.
Zone 7 BMX Club hosted the Western Province Championships a week ago, on Sunday November 12 – the biggest race of the year with nearly 100 riders entering.
Mason and Cruz Hendry took part in the 7- and 10-year-old race categories respectively, which are two of the biggest categories in the Western Cape. The brothers had an extremely tough afternoon being pushed by their competitors. Mason had to beat the number one rider in South Africa to win the day.
He fought with determination and grit to power his way through all of his races and be crowned the fastest 7-year-old in the province.
Mason said, “I was really nervous when we started but I was really happy when I crossed the finished line first.”
Cruz knew he had to ride every race like it was a final. Cruz outshone all of the other 10 year olds in the province and took the final in convincing fashion.
“I was so happy when I won,” saif Cruz. “I slammed my bike down as I crossed the line.
“We started practising in January and SA champs didn't go how I wanted it to, so this was a big race for me to win”.
This brings the 2023 BMX season to an end. Both boys will have a couple of months rest before they start prepping for the 2024 season, which will be a big season for them as they both hope to compete at World Champs in the USA.